cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc

  • Give the correct khuông of the following word: I lượt thích going lớn England lớn study English because I can practice English with ………. speakers. (non-native)

    22/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

    Bạn đang xem: cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc

  • Give the correct khuông of the following word: English is an ……… language in this country. (officially)

    22/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Give the correct khuông of the following word: People in the south of my country speak the language with ……… accent. (differ)

    23/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Give the correct khuông of the following word: Last summer holiday, my family went lớn Da Nang and Hoi An. We had a ………… time there. (wonder)

    22/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Give the correct khuông of the following word: Why has she improved her English a lot? – Ah, she’s just come back from an English ……… country. (speak)

    22/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Make up sentences using the words and phrases given: every year/ students/ many/ countries/ learn/ English.

    22/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Make up sentences using the words and phrases given: USA/ enormous/ country/,/ more/ than/ 2 times/ the size/ of/ European Union/.

    23/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Make up sentences using the words and phrases given: USA/ is/ land/ of/ extremes/./ It’s/ both/ one/ of/ hottest/ and/ coldest/ places/ world/.

    22/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Make up sentences using the words and phrases given: about/ half/ of/ Australia’s population/ go/ to/ one/ of/ fantastic/ events/ on nước Australia Day/.

    22/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Make up sentences using the words and phrases given: the/ other/ half/ of/ Australia’s population/ celebrate/ nước Australia Day/ home/ or/ beach/ with/ their/ family/ and/ friend/.

    22/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Make up sentences using the words and phrases given: they/ have/ barbecues/ and/ they/ watch/ Australian of the Year Award/ television/.

    23/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Rewrite the following sentences ví that their meaning stays the same, using the words given: I have one new American friend. At the first days, I didn’t understand what he asked bủ but now it’s OK. (found)

    22/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Rewrite the following sentences ví that their meaning stays the same, using the words given: Have you made any friend from English speaking countries? (acquaintance)

    22/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Rewrite the following sentences ví that their meaning stays the same, using the words given: Australians use English as their mother tongue ví they are native speakers. (because)

    22/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Rewrite the following sentences ví that their meaning stays the same, using the words given: Can you name the countries that speak English as their official language? (What)

    22/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Rewrite the following sentences ví that their meaning stays the same, using the words given: New Zealand and nước Australia both have coasts around their countries. (surrounded)

    23/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • There are ten mistakes in this passage. Can you find and correct them?

    Research has show that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches lớn school vì thế not eat properly in the middle on the day. In Britain, schools have lớn provide meals at lunchtime. Children can chose lớn bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen.

    One shocking finding of this research is that school meals are many healthier phàn nàn lunches prepared by parents. There are strict standards for the preparation of school meals, which have lớn include one piece of fruit and one of vegetables, as well lượt thích meat, a dairy item and starchy food lượt thích bread or pasta. Lunchboxes examined by researchers contained sweet drinks, crisps and chocolate bar. Children consume twice as much sugar as they should at lunchtime.

    The research will provides a better understanding of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain have increased in the last decade. Unfortunately, the government cannot criticize parents, but it can remind them of the nutritional value of milk, fruit and vegetables. Small changes in their children’s diet can affect their future healthy. Children can easy develop bad eating habits at this age, and parents are the only ones who can prevent it.

    22/11/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • The teacher made her students_________lazy. (not be)

    The teacher made her students_________lazy. (not be)

    09/12/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Some overseas friends planning lớn visit your school. Write your plan for what will vì thế lớn introduce your school (80- 100 words)

    - Introduce your friend: where does he/she come from? When does he/she come?

    - School: teachers/ students/ facilities.

    Xem thêm: kinh vu lan và báo hiếu

    - What vì thế you want lớn cooperate with your friends lớn help poor students in the countryside.

    13/12/2022 |   1 Trả lời

  • Complete the sentence: Do you think people can be _____ lớn any leisure activity?

    30/12/2022 |   0 Trả lời

  • Give the correct khuông of the word: There are many (festival) ........ activities in our village.

    02/01/2023 |   1 Trả lời

  • Write a paragraph about the things that you lượt thích best in your live.

    26/01/2023 |   0 Trả lời

  • Read the following passages then answer the questions

    Living in the country has both advantages and disadvantages. There are certainly many advantages lớn live in the country. First, you can enjoy peace and quietness. The air in the countryside is often fresher phàn nàn in the thành phố. Second, people tend lớn be friendlier. They live not very far from the others; they know each other very well. If someone needs help, they are ready lớn help anytime. Moreover, there is less traffic, ví it is safer for young children. However, there are certain disadvantages lớn life outside the thành phố. First, because there are fewer people, you are likely lớn have few friends. In addition, entertainment is difficult lớn find, particularly in the evening. Moreover, education seems lớn be less developed phàn nàn it in the thành phố. Therefore, the children are less accessed lớn the modern technology. On the whole, it is often the best for those who are retired or who have young children lớn live in the country. In contrast, young people who have a career are better provided in the thành phố.

    1. What is the topic of the writing?

    2. How many advantages of living in the country mentioned?

    3. Are there any disadvantages of living in the country?

    4. Do you lượt thích lớn live in the thành phố or in the countryside? Why?

    29/01/2023 |   0 Trả lời

  • Complete the sentence.

    1. A: have you got a spare pen I can borrow?

    B: ...................(No/afaird). I've only got one

    2. A: Is it going lớn snow today?

    B: ..........(Yes/believe). It's very cold

    3. A: Is Frank coming lớn work today?

    B: .............(No/think).He would have been here by now

    4. A: Are you going out lớn dinner on your birthday?

    B: ............(Yes/expect). I usually vì thế.

    5. Are you ready lớn leave?

    .............(yes/suppose). Let's go

    6. Is mary at home?

    ..... (no/suppose) no one is answering the telephone

    7. Are you going on holiday this summer?

    .........(yes/hope). I've been saving money since January

    04/02/2023 |   0 Trả lời

  • Give the correct word form:

    1. She was really greatful lớn bủ for my use ful ___. (assist)

    2. ___ appeal lớn the government lớn enact laws lớn stop factories from discharging toxic chemicals in lớn the see. (enviroment)

    3. he is sure lớn have an accident because he drives very ___. (care)

    4. indonesia orders immediate ___ as highest alerts issued for bali colcano. (ecacuate)

    5. ___, he failed the exam. (fortunate)

    6. A thrre-___object can be measured in three different directions. (dimension)

    7. The duty of the police is the___of law and order. (maintain)

    Xem thêm: sơ xuất hay sơ suất

    8. Is the loch ness monster a real or___creature? (legend)

    9. The radiation leak has had a___effect on the enviroment. (disaster)

    13/02/2023 |   0 Trả lời