tóm tắt truyện tấm cám bằng tiếng anh

A man married again, and his second wife gave birth to tướng a child as dark as rice bran, so sánh the baby was named Cám. He also has a very beautiful baby daughter named Tấm, which means broken rice, from his first wife. When Tấm's father's affection for his first daughter diminished soon after (due to tướng the influence of his second wife) and the stepmother began to tướng abuse Tấm and forced her to tướng bởi all the housework, while Cám lived in luxury. Her hatred for Tấm intensified by the fact that Tấm was much more beautiful than vãn her own daughter Cám, even though Tấm was forced to tướng bởi all the laboring under the sun.

One day, the stepmother sent Tấm and Cám fishing, promising to tướng reward the girl who caught the most fish with a new yếm. Cám knew her mother would never punish her, therefore instead of trying to tướng catch fish, she bathed carelessly in the river while Tấm was working hard. When Cám noticed all the fish Tấm had caught, Cám advised Tấm to tướng wash the mud out of her hair or else she would be scolded by their mother. As Tấm went out to tướng the river to tướng wash her hair, Cám poured all the fish Tấm had caught into her own basket and ran trang chính.

Bạn đang xem: tóm tắt truyện tấm cám bằng tiếng anh

Upon discovering she had been tricked, Tấm sobbed until a fairy guardian appeared to tướng her and comforted her. She told Tấm to tướng look into her basket to tướng discover the one remaining little goby. She then told Tấm to tướng take the fish trang chính and put it into the well at the back of the house, reciting a special poem/greeting whenever she came to tướng feed it, which meant:

"Goby, goby! Come eat the golden rice, the silver rice of mine. Don't eat stale rice, old porridge that are not mine."

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Everyday, Tấm would come out to tướng the well a few times to tướng feed the goby, always reciting the greeting beforehand so sánh that the goby would come up from the water. The fish grew fatter everyday and the stepmother began to tướng suspect Tấm's behavior. One day, the stepmother snuck out close to tướng where Tấm was feeding the fish. She waited until Tấm was gone, and went over to tướng the well, finding nothing. She then repeated the greeting she had heard Tấm reciting, and to tướng her delight, saw the goby come up from the water. The stepmother then caught and killed it and put it in her rice porridge.

Xem thêm: xác định phương thức biểu đạt chính

When Tấm discovered this, she broke into sobs. Buddha again appeared to tướng Tấm and consoled her, and instructed her to tướng salvage the bones of the carp and bury them in four separate jars underneath each corner of her bed.

A short while later, the king proclaimed a festival. The stepmother and Cám went, but Tấm was left to tướng sort a huge basket ofgreen and Đen beans. The fairy guardian appeared again and transformed a handful of dust into sparrows, then instructed Tấm to tướng dig out her four jars. From the first jar, Tấm got a beautiful xanh rớt and silver gown, a silk yếm and a silk scarf; from the second, a pair of golden slippers; from the third, a richly ornamented saddle and bridle; and from the fourth, a fine horse. Tấm dressed herself and hastened to tướng the feast, arousing the curiosity and admiration of everyone present, but the envy and jealousy of her own sister and stepmother. She left at once, but while crossing a stream she dropped one slipper.

The slipper flowed along the river until it reached the king's garden, and was picked up by one of the king's attendants. The king proclaimed that any maiden whose foot fit the slipper would be made his queen. Every eligible lady who had gone to tướng the festival tried the slipper, including Cám, but all to tướng no avail. Suddenly, a very beautiful stranger appeared whose foot fit perfectly into the slipper (not to tướng mention on her other foot was adorned the corresponding slipper of the same make). Her stepmother and Cám were shocked to tướng discover the mysterious lady was no other than vãn Tấm. Tấm was immediately brought on the royal palanquin to tướng the imperial palace for a grand wedding celebration, right in front of her seething stepmother and stepsister.