complete the sentences with the words from the box


Bạn đang xem: complete the sentences with the words from the box


Name: Luna Mendoza

1. Talk lớn four students. Write their names in the chart. Ask them the question “Are

you always on time for _” Write Yes or No for each response.

Are you always on time for these things?

Example: Lourdes: Pamela, are you always on time for school?

Paola: Yes, I am

Lulu: Paola, are you always on time for dates?

Paola: No, I’m not

2. Read the conversation between Lida Kozlov and Alex Brown

Lida: Excuse me. Where’s room 2?

Alex: It’s right over here, next lớn the office.

Lida: Thanks, Uh…are we late for class?

Xem thêm: hợp chất hữu cơ la gì

Alex: No, we’re right on time.

Lida: Wow! That’s good. I hate lớn be late on the first day. Is the teacher here?

Alex: Yes, he is.

Lida: How is he? Is he a good teacher?

Alex: I think he’s very good teacher. My name is Alex, by the way. What’s your


Lida: Lida

Alex: Nice lớn meet you. Are you new here?

Lida: Yes, I am.

Alex: Nice jacket.

Lida: Thanks. It’s from Italy

Xem thêm: cao đẳng kinh tế đối ngoại điểm chuẩn

Alex: Oh! are you from Italy?

Lida: No, I’m from Moscow. Hey, your English is ví good! Where are you from?

Alex: I’m from Michigan