bài tập câu bị đông có đáp án

Bài viết lách 50 Bài tập dượt Câu tiêu cực (theo những thì) vô cùng hoặc đem câu nói. giải bao gồm không thiếu thốn lý thuyết trọng tâm về Câu tiêu cực (theo những thì) và bên trên 50 bài bác tập dượt về Câu tiêu cực (theo những thì) tinh lọc, đem đáp án cụ thể giúp đỡ bạn nắm rõ cơ hội dùng của Câu tiêu cực (theo những thì).

50 Bài tập dượt Câu tiêu cực (theo những thì) vô cùng hoặc đem câu nói. giải


1. Cách người sử dụng câu bị động

Bạn đang xem: bài tập câu bị đông có đáp án

- Câu tiêu cực được sử dụng Lúc mình thích nhấn mạnh vấn đề nhập hành vi nhập câu, không thích nhấn mạnh vấn đề nhập tác nhân tạo nên hành động

- Thể tiêu cực được sử dụng Lúc tao ham muốn trầm trồ lịch sự và trang nhã rộng lớn nhập một vài tình huống

2. Thành lập câu bị động

Cấu trúc câu tiêu cực theo đuổi những thì:

Thì Cấu trúc câu bị động Ví dụ câu bị động

Thì lúc này đơn

S + am/is/are + PP + (by +O).

Ex: He waters flowers everyday.

→ Flowers are watered everyday.

Thì vượt lên trên khứ đơn

S + was/were + PP +(by +O).

Ex: The storm destroyed the đô thị last night.

→ The đô thị was destroyed by the storm last night.

Thì lúc này tiếp tục

S + am/is/are + being + PP + (by +O).

Ex: We are taking the kids đồ sộ the zoo.

→ The kids are being taken đồ sộ the zoo.

Thì vượt lên trên khứ tiếp tục

S + was/were + being + PP + (by +O).

Ex: They were decorating the house when we came -> The house was being decorated when we came.

Thì lúc này hoàn thiện

S + have/has + been + PP + (by +O).

Ex: We have used this TV for 2 years.

→ This TV has been used for 2 years.

Thì vượt lên trên khứ hoàn thiện

S + had + been + PP + (by +O).

Ex: They had done the exercises.

→ The exercises had been done.

Thì sau này đơn

S + will + be + PP + (by +O).

Ex: They will cut the grass tomorrow.

→ The grass will be cut tomorrow.

Thì sau này tiếp tục

S + will + be + being + PP + (by +O).

Ex: She will be cooking dinner when you come here tomorrow.

→ Dinner will be being cooked (by her) when you come here tomorrow.

Thì sau này hoàn thiện

S + will + have + been + PP + (by +O).

Ex: They will have finished the course by the kết thúc of this month.

→ The course will have been finished by the kết thúc of this month.

3. Cách gửi câu dữ thế chủ động sang trọng câu bị động

- Xác toan những bộ phận của câu dữ thế chủ động, thì thời của câu tiêu cực

- Tiến hành xác lập ngôi nhà ngữ mới mẻ, tân ngữ mới

- Tiến hành phân chia động kể từ mang lại câu bị động

- Tiến hành ghép trở nên câu trả chỉnh


Task 1. Choose the best answer

1. We can’t go along here because the road……………………

A. is repairing     B. is repaired

C. is being repaired     D. repairs

2. The story I’ve just read……………….Agatha Christie.

A. was written     B. was written by

C. was written from     D. wrote by

3. I’m going đồ sộ go out and………………………………………….

A. have cut my hair    B. have my hair cut

C. cut my hair     D. my hair be cut

4. Something funny ………………………in class yesterday.

A. happened     B. was happened

C. happens     D. is happened

5. Many US automobiles……………………in Detroit, Michigan.

A. manufacture     B. have manufactured

C. are manufactured     D. are manufacturing

1. C. is being repaired

2. B. was written by

3. B. have my hair cut

4. B. was happened

5. C. are manufactured

Câu chất vấn 1 2 3 4 5
Đáp án C B B B C

Task 2. Choose the best answer

1. The boy…………………….by the teacher yesterday.

A. punish     B. punished

C. punishing     D. was punished

2. “Ms Jones, please type those letters before noon”_ “They’ve already………………, sir. They’re on your desk.”

A. typed     B. been being typed

C. being typed     D. been typed

3. Sarah is wearing a blouse. It………………….of cốt tông.

A. be made     B. are made

C. is made     D. made

4. They had a boy………………….. that yesterday.

A. done     B. đồ sộ tự

C. did     D. do

5. We got our mail ………………..yesterday.

A. been delivered     B. delivered

C. delivering     D. đồ sộ deliver

6. James……..the news as soon as possible.

A. should tell     B. should be told

C. should told     D. should be telled

7. My wedding ring …………………. yellow and white gold.

A. is made     B. is making

C. made     D. make

8. Mr. Wilson is………………... as Willie đồ sộ his friend.

A. known     B. knew

C. is known     D. know

9. References …………………….in the examination room.

A. not are used     B. is not used

C. didn’t used     D. are not used

10. Laura ………………….in Boston.

A. are born     B. were born

C. was born     D. born

1. D. was punished

2. D. been typed

3. C. is made

4. A. done

5. B. delivered

6. B. should be told

7. A. is made

8. A. known

9. D. are not used

10. C. was born

Câu hỏi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Đáp án D D C A B B A A D C

Task 3. Change these sentences into Passive voice

1. They will finish their work next week

2. The fire has caused considerable damage

3. The police were following the suspects

4. We're going đồ sộ give David a pig surprise

5. I think Alfred Nobel invented dynamite

1. Their work will be finished next week,

2. Considerable damage has been caused by the fire

3. The suspects were being followed by the police

4. David is going đồ sộ be given a big surprise by us.

Or: A big surprise is going đồ sộ be given đồ sộ David by us.

5. Alfred Nobel is thought đồ sộ have invented dynamite by me

Or: It is thought that Alfred Nobel invented dynamite

Task 4. Change these sentences into Passive voice

1. Your hair is long, you ought đồ sộ get it cut

2. Keep silent

3. Open your book

4. They made him work all day

5. Police advise drivers đồ sộ use an alternative route.

1. Your hair is long, you ought đồ sộ have it cut.

2. Let silent be kept.

3. Let your book be opened.

4. He was made đồ sộ work all day

5. Drivers are advised đồ sộ use an alternative route

Or: Police advise that an alternative route should be used.

Task 5. Change these sentences into passive voice

1. The waiter brings bầm this dish.

2. Our friends send these postcards đồ sộ us.

3. Their grandmother told them this story when they visited her last week.

4. Tim ordered this train ticket for his mother.

5. You didn’t show bầm the special cameras.

6. She showed her ticket đồ sộ the airline agent.

7. He lends his friend his new shoes.

8. She left her relatives five million pounds.

9. The cửa hàng assistant handed these boxes đồ sộ the customer.

10. The board awarded the first prize đồ sộ the reporter.

1. This dish is brought đồ sộ bầm (by the waiter).

2. These postcards are sent đồ sộ us (by our friend).

3. This story was told đồ sộ them (by their grandmother) when they visited her last week.

4. This train ticket was ordered for Tim’s mother.

5. The special cameras weren’t showed đồ sộ bầm.

6. Her ticket was showed đồ sộ the airline agent (by her).

7. His new shoes are lent đồ sộ his friends (by him).

8. Five million pounds was left đồ sộ her relatives (by her).

9. These boxes were handed đồ sộ the customer (by the cửa hàng assistant).

10. The first prize was awarded đồ sộ the reporter (by the board).

Task 6. Change these sentences into Passive voice

1. Have you sent the Christmas cards đồ sộ your family?

2. The committee appointed Alice secretary for the meeting.

3. He hides the broken cup in the drawer.

4. They keep this room tidy all the time.

5. They all voted the các buổi party a great success.

1. Have the Christmas cards been sent đồ sộ your family?

2. Alice was appointed secretary for the meeting (by the committee).

3. The broken cup is hidden in the drawer (by him).

4. This room is kept tidy (by them) all the time.

5. The các buổi party was voted a great success (by them).

Xem thêm: đạo hàm của trị tuyệt đối

Task 7. Change these sentences into Passive voice

1. My father waters this flower every morning.

2. John invited Fiona đồ sộ his birthday các buổi party last night.

3. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.

4. We should clean our teeth twice a day.

5. Our teachers have explained the English grammar.

6. Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this đô thị.

7. Tom will visit his parents next month.

8. The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning.

9. Did Mary this beautiful dress?

10. I won’t hốc these old pictures in the living room.

1. This flower is watered (by my father) every morning.

2. Fiona was invented đồ sộ John’s birthday các buổi party last month.

3. The dinner is being prepared (by her mother) in the kitchen.

4. Our teeth should be cleaned twice a day.

5. The English grammar has been explained (by our teacher).

6. The accident was caused in this đô thị (by some drunk drivers).

7. Tom’s parents will be visited (by him) next month.

8. The secretary wasn’t phoned (by the manager) this morning.

9. Was this beautiful dress bought by Mary?

10. These old pictures won’t be hung in the living room (by me).

Task 8. Change these sentences into Passive voice

1. The German didn’t build this factory during the Second World War.

2. The Greens are going đồ sộ paint this house and these cars for Christmas Day.

3. Ann had fed the cats before she went đồ sộ the cinema.

4. The students have discussed the pollution problems since last week.

5. Have the thieves stolen the most valuable painting in the national museum?

6. Some people will interview the new president on TV.

7. How many languages tự they speak in Canada?

8. Are you going đồ sộ repair those shoes?

9. He has broken his nose in a football match.

10. Have you finished the above sentences?

1. This factory wasn’t built (by the Greens) during the Second World War.

2. This house and these cars are going đồ sộ be painted for Christmas day by the Greens.

3. The cats had been fed (by Ann) before she went đồ sộ the cinema.

4. The pollution problems have been discussed (by the students) since last week.

5. Has the most valuable painting in the national museum been stolen (by the thieves).

6. The new president will be interviewed on TV (by some people).

7. How many languages are spoken in Canada (by them)?

8. Are those shoes going đồ sộ be repaired?

9. His nose has been broken in a football match (by him).

10. Have above sentences been finished?

Task 9. Choose the best answer

1. His siêu xe needs …………………..

A. be fixed     B. fixing

C. đồ sộ be fixing     D. fixed

2. Her watch needs …………………..

A. repairing     B. đồ sộ be repaired

C. repaired     D. A and B

3. My mother is going …………………….. this house.

A. sold    B. sell

C. đồ sộ be sold     D. đồ sộ sell

4. There’s somebody behind us. I think we are ………………………..

A. being followed     B. are followed

C. follow     D. following

5. Have you………………….. by a dog?

A. bite     B. bit

C. ever been bitten     D. ever been bit

1. B. fixing

2. A. repairing

3. A. sold

4. A. being followed

5. C. ever been bitten

Câu hỏi 1 2 3 4 5
Đáp án B A A A C

Task 10. Choose the correct answer đồ sộ complete the sentences.

1. America __________ By Columbus in 1492.

A. are discovered     B. were discovering

C. is discovered     D. was discovered

2. Parrots and crows __________ the most intelligent birds.

A. were considering     B. are considered

C. Considered    D. was considered

3. I still can’t believe! My bicycle__________ last night.

A. was stolen     B. was stealing

C. were stolen     D. stole

4. Mary traffic accidents __________ by dangerous driving.

A. cause     B. caused

C. are caused     D. which are caused.

5. Many US automobiles __________ in Detroit, Michigan.

A. manufacture     B. are manufactured

C. have manufactured     D. are manufacturing

6. Grass __________ by fat cows on the green meadow.

A. are eaten     B. was being eaten

C. were being eat     D. was been eaten

1. D. was discovered

2. B. are considered

3. A. was stolen

4. C. are caused

5. B. are manufactured

6. B. was being eaten

Câu hỏi 1 2 3 4 5 6
Đáp án D B A C B B

Bài tập dượt té sung

Exercise 1. Rewrite the sentences into passive voice.

1. The girls are singing a folk tuy vậy.

2. Mr. Thompson and his son are playing table tennis at the moment.

3. My sister is baking a cake.

4. The waitress is serving three lunches now.

5. My dad is reading the newspaper at this time.

6. They are selling cookies for Christmas right now.

7. The dog is eating its snack.

8. I am sweeping the floor.

9. Anna is throwing the ball into a basket.

10. Jimmy is choosing a present for his best friend's birthday.

Đáp án: 

1. A folk tuy vậy is being sung by the girls.

2. Table tennis is being played by Mr. Thompson and his son at the moment.

3. A cake is being baked by my sister.

4. Three lunches are being served by the waitress now.

5. My dad is reading the newspaper at this time.

6. Cookies are sold for Christmas right now.

7. Snack is eaten by the dog.

8. The floor is swept by bầm.

9. The ball is thrown by Anna into a basket.

10. A present is chosen by Jimmy for his best friend's birthday.

Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences into passive voice.

1. My mother bought this bouquet of flowers in that cửa hàng.

2. Jane has found her wallet.

3. Our team has finished the report.

4. I have finished my exercise for two days.

5. He has never seen this movie before.

6. We have heard the news already.

7. The employee has signed the contract.

8. These boys have bought five concert tickets.

9. His brother has studied computer science since April.

10. My parents have taken care of my cát well.

11. We have typed these reports for 1 hour.

12. The police found the thief yesterday. 

Đáp án: 

1. This bouquet of flowers was bought in that cửa hàng by my mother.

2. Jane's wallet has been found.

3. The report has been finished by our team.

4. My exercise has been finished for two days.

5. This movie has never been seen by him before.

6. The news has been heard by us already.

7. The contract has been signed by the employee.

8. Five concert tickets have been bought by these boys.

9. Computer science has been studied by his brother since April.

10. My cát has been taken care of well by my parents.

11. These reports have been typed by us for 1 hour.

12. The thief was found by the police yesterday.

Exercise 3. Rewrite the sentences.

1. People reconstructed the temple in 1903.

2. Thousands of people visited the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum yesterday.

3. She didn't invite bầm đồ sộ her birthday các buổi party.

4. People built the Khue Van Pavilion inside the Temple of Literature.

5. Why did many students visit the Temple of Literature last week?

6. I lost my key yesterday.

7. They didn't open the ngân hàng last weekend.

8. J. K. Rowling wrote her first book at the age of six.

9. Why didn't you clean the floor this morning? 

10. The waiter brought the dish đồ sộ us. 

Đáp án: 

1. The temple was reconstructed in 1903.

2. Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum was visited by thousands of people yesterday.

3. I wasn’t invited đồ sộ her birthday các buổi party.

4. Khue Van Pavilion was built inside the Temple of Literature.

5. Why was the Temple of Literature visited by many students last week?

6. My key was lost yesterday.

7. The ngân hàng wasn't opened last weekend.

8. The first book was written by J. K. Rowling at the age of six.

9. Why wasn’t the floor cleaned by you this morning?

10. The dish was brought đồ sộ us by the waiter.

Xem tăng những bài bác tập dượt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh vô cùng hoặc đem câu nói. giải cụ thể khác:

  • Bài tập dượt Câu tiêu cực (động kể từ khuyết thiếu) vô cùng hoặc đem câu nói. giải
  • Bài tập dượt Câu tiêu cực nâng lên vô cùng hoặc đem câu nói. giải
  • Bài tập dượt Câu ĐK loại 1 vô cùng hoặc đem câu nói. giải
  • Bài tập dượt Câu ĐK loại 2 vô cùng hoặc đem câu nói. giải

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